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GET ON TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note to Self: Get On Track!
toulouse train stationA Short Story: A few years ago I went to Southern France. I arrived in Toulouse and had to take a train to my final destination in the countryside. Barely speaking little french, just what I had learned in high school and listening on the plane to a French CD wasn’t enough to read all the signs at the train station and asking for help was almost impossible. The French are not too keen on Americans. I was carrying an oversized backpack in which i had to continually lean forward from falling back, fumbling through the pages of my beginners guide to french travel book and sweating profusely from a combination of nervousness, excitement, and a fear of getting lost in a foreign country. I stepped to counter and bought my ticket by just saying the name of the town I was going to. Great! Step 1, got my ticket! I followed the crowd to the terminal and it was completely overwhelming. So many trains going in so many different directions, the french intercom saying boarding times that I did not understand, people bumping into me while I was holding my balance. I felt so small and finally someone came up to me and said, “lost?” I had him look at my ticket and he looked around and then nodded in confusion. And then in broken English he said, ” I think you will never find your destination and no one is going to help you” and he walked off. My heart sank and my fear was becoming real and palpable. I saw my Self as this lost person. I went to the bathroom to collect myself and splash water on my sweating face and calm my self from crying. As I looked up in the mirror, I saw mySelf lost in this country and struggling to find my destination. I could see a story. And then something happened. I thought about it and then said to my Self, “NO!, I will not be lost, I am going to ask a train director!” I came out and was determined, I will not let that stranger dictate my leisure vacation here! I immediately found a director and showed him my ticket and he pointed to the correct terminal. I hopped on the train, relieved, and watched the countryside speed by in colors, rolling hills, and vineyards. I listened intently until I heard my village stop. From the moment I got off the train, everyone was friendly, the local police saw me and offered me a ride straight to my front door. I was in France! I made it, and the rest was food and wine.
Don’t let anyone else determine the story of your life. Don’t be derailed by someone else’s false belief in you. Get on the right track and start to create YOUR reality! You will find that there is plenty of support and help from those who truly believe in you! Allow happiness to come in, instead of feeling guilt. Deep down you have your own inner compass to greatness, follow that and everything else will fall into place!
My Deepest Gratitude,