Tag Archives: ocean

We are the Ones We have been waiting for

Recently I have been in a tweet storm over the whole Taiji Dolphin fiasco.  Earlier this year I watched a movie called Minds in the Water with Dave Rastovich (pro surfer)promoting awareness for marine life. After I saw this movie ,I was so passionate about protecting Marine life but not just marine life, all Life. I think I was most passionate about Dolphins because they are such a happy, beautiful species and do not have the ability to talk. When I lived on Kauai, I had a friend who did cranial sacral work in the ocean and sometimes she would tell me stories of the dolphins participating and helping in her sessions. I have also heard of them connecting with children who have autism. They eminate such a joy and love for everything around them. So, the season has come for the Japanese fishermen to start their slaughtering of these beautiful creatures so that they can use the dolphin meat to hunt another beautiful animal called the shark in which they cut off the dorsel fin of the shark and the animal then drowns and dies  all for a delicacy called “shark fin soup”.  On twitter the many ocean conservationist have been live streaming this killing of the dolphins and other people around the world are watching and getting outraged by this inhumane treatment and I have been joining in a tweet storm. In the last couple of nights I have been sad about what is happening and even crying as to how this is happening. Hearing the screams of thousands of helpless animals swimming in their own blood and just watching being helpless. At first I thought, what can i possibly do from the other side of the world? It seemed for a couple of days that all people were tweeting was what color of belt to wear with their new chic pants and another Selfie, how do I look pic. But I bombarded my tweets feed with this news and what I started to notice was the news got bigger and bigger and it was on CBS, then Caroline Kennedy was “deeply concerned”, Yoko Ono wrote a letter to the Japanese Fishermen, it was then broadcasted on Anderson Cooper. The later live stream was showing lots of camermen out filming to their own countries, the Japanese Fisherman were letting more Dolphins go and I assume were so embarassed they started to leave earlier in the day. I was gaining hope and clarity and feeling that this is exactly it! When we collectively get together and gain momentum on something we all care about WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! We have so much power within our Self to make change all we need is persistence. We have a voice to speak and encourage, we have the ability to create things, we stand on this Earth with hopes to make a positive impact and it is all possible! We must live with this integrity everyday and never forget that together we can make a difference and this is exactly how it should be in the world when we want change for the better. Change for our future, change for our government, change for our  Self to be in a world that will last with all of it’s undying beauty and all living beings! There is a great sense of accomplishment that comes with something you believe in and watching the walls crumble around the barriers and old beliefs. We must constantly ask ourselves, “How am I impacting the world and all things ?”



Pass Dolphins